Software Evaluation Project Reflection and Net Ts
Photo Hunt in Hawaii was fun to play. The idea behind the learning strategy is sound, but, if the software cannot be customized to a specific lesson, then what good is it?
The Essential Criteria Checklist for Evaluating Instructional Courseware check list sums up how useful this software can be. Going through the steps to acquire photos was entertaining enough to keep me interested. Good points of software;
· hints
· the extra entertainment after finding the correct photos was fun
· names of everything the camera is looking at
· matching photos with names
· exploring each island
Bad points:
· no instruction on use before hand
· could have more important locations and history
· doesn’t mention anything about the criteria of teaching strategy is matched to student needs/levels and is based on accepted methods and readability and learning difficulty are at an appropriate level for target students
The bad points are not bad if this program can be modified to support a lesson. If the lesson is on Hawaiian history, for example, how could Pearl Harbor be left out?
My conclusion is this: I would not recommend this software. Why? Spinapse software met most of the Essential Criteria for evaluation, fun to use and, for the most part, user friendly. My main complaint on the game itself was there were no instructions on how to play. The two criteria missing is probably because the software is for trail purposes, but, still it doesn’t tell what grade level the program is aimed at. The game I played, Photo Hunt in Hawaii, had no real important information about Hawaii. If the “photo hunt” had more important information, this software would be an asset to a lesson. The pricing was fine and should not come into play in making a choice whether to use the software. I check Spinapse website and they do have other games available, but again, modification is a must.
I would recommend this software if it is modifiable for each lesson, if not, I wouldn’t. Looking over the website, Spinapse software cannot be modified. Just because the software is fun and user friendly, doesn’t mean it serves as a useful tool in the classroom. Photo Hunt in Hawaii is useless to me except the concept behind the game.
Since I am not recommending this software, there are no NET Ts. However, if I could modify the software to my lessons material, then the NET Ts would be:
1. FACILITATE AND INSPIRE STUDENT LEARNING AND CREATIVITY Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity.
2. DESIGN AND DEVELOP DIGITAL-AGE LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND ASSESSMENTS Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS'S.
3. MODEL DIGITAL-AGE WORK AND LEARNING Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
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